What Can I Do To Protect My Grandson From His Abusive Father?
My ex-son-in-law lives in Oklahoma where he is registered as an offender. The offense for which he is registered occurred in Texas.
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My ex-son-in-law lives in Oklahoma where he is registered as an offender. The offense for which he is registered occurred in Texas.
Can CPS terminate a father’s rights if there was never a birth certificate signed or a right of parentage determined?
I have temporary custody of my teenage siblings. I smoke pot but not with them. Can I refuse a drug test, if one is requested?
My niece is 15 years old and nine months pregnant. Her mother for the past three years has consistently kicked my niece out after arguments, not caring where she stayed, and my family has tried to help by taking her in. Yet, this last time, she stayed with her boyfriend for three months and then got pregnant while living there. When our family found out about this we called Child Protective Services as my niece had been living with these people since conception through her sixth month of pregnancy. We have been in contact with the Case Worker investigating the case but we are afraid that because of her age and her mother’s consent to let her continue living with her boyfriend (though she is underage and that is illegal) there is nothing we can do. Is there any legal measure we can take to ensure that CPS will follow through with the neglect and abandonment of my niece by her mother?
What the the minimum and maximum sentence for child abuse? There was a physical abuse of a girl that I know and I was wondering what the penalties for a child abuse can be.
I live in Louisiana, my grandchildren live in Florida. They are visiting for the Christmas Holiday and have told me some things that have concerned me. The children have spoken to Child Protection but the step mother always seems to clear the air so to speak. What can be done about this? They are to scared to say any more to any one due to the trouble they get in when they do.
She’s told me that he has threatened her before, but has never admitted to him actually hitting her. He also has a history of drug abuse and violent behavior. Though I am an outsider to the whole situation, I know she’s trapped and wants out.
If an incident occurred at the babysitter’s house with my daughter could they take her children from her?
A single mother who in an act of desparation burned old love letters is now facing arson charges and afraid that she will go to jail and her children will go to CPS (child protective services).