Can a City Inspector Take Pictures of My House from a Neighbor’s Yard?
Can a city inspector take pictures of my house from a neighbor’s yard even though I have a privacy fence separating my property from my neighbor’s property?
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Can a city inspector take pictures of my house from a neighbor’s yard even though I have a privacy fence separating my property from my neighbor’s property?
Can my neighbor take pictures of my private property which includes my car license plates, garage, and my apartment door?
My 8-year-old son will be getting a large personal injury settlement in the next 3 months, what are we allowed to do with it?
I have 3 1/2 acres of land. I have had it for 10 years. The owner on the west side cuts wood for a business.
I have two half-sisters. One I have not seen since I was five and I’m now nineteen. The other I see once to twice a year.
Myself and two friends went into business together as Event Planners. We got our first job and decided to invest the money that we were paid into the business.
Can I get a restraining order against my ex-husband’s girlfriend to not to be around my children?
My father co-signed for my home mortgage back in 2011, and now I’m trying to refinance and found out that he has debts in collections, and we were told that there is nothing we can do to refinance or even sell the house until those debts are paid off in full! So is there anything at all that I can do to get him off of the mortgage, legally?
A neighbor wants to have the county add a sewer line in their back yard to fix drainage issues. It would connect to the line that runs through my property. In order for the county to move forward, they want me to sign over the right to easement to the HOA. Then going forward the HOA would be required to maintain the lines. Would the easement cause me issues in the future when trying to sell my house? What rights would I be giving up?
I have a common pillar in front of my house that is jointly shared by my neighbor. This pillar is the center pillar that holds up our porch roof. I came to my neighbor a year ago with a cost estimate to repair the pillar. She asked for some time to get more estimates. I have given her a year since I first approached her and now I have the engineer’s letter saying it is necessary, but she continues to delay. Can I take her to court to force her hand?