Can My Paycheck Be Garnished Without Notice?

When I started working as a contract employee with an employer, they paid for my hotel for the first 3 weeks and we have a signed agreement that they would take out the money from my paycheck every week for 6 weeks. However, when I recieved my last paycheck, they garnished the whole amount of the balance of about 100, leaving me strapped in a way I can’t pay rent and food and gas and make my bills. They did this without my knowledge or approval. I had no problem with the agreement in place and they have done this on more than one occasion with me not informing me of what money they will take out of my check for child support as well. The employer saw no need to contact me on 4 different occasions of check garnishments either by them or child support. So other than the Dept of Labor, would my only other course of action be a civil lawsuit and can I do that where I live or where do I have to do it in the state in which the employer is located, since they are two different states? Read More …