Do I Legally Own My House?
I own a house with my ex. My ex filed for bankruptcy. We moved out of the house and are divorced.
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I own a house with my ex. My ex filed for bankruptcy. We moved out of the house and are divorced.
A student loan debt was incurred pursuing a DDS degree. Four years were completed, but the student needed about 4 more months to achieve the required points to graduate.
I received this letter after filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: ORDER ON TRUSTEE’S OBJECTION TO CLAIMS FILED – At South Bend, Indiana on March 17, 2008. This matter came before the Court on the Trustee’s Objection to Claims Filed and notice having been given to the claimant and no response having been filed with the Court and the Court being duly advised in the premises IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Claim NO. 1 filed by the Indiana Department of Revenue is disallowed in its entirety, SO ORDERED. My question is whether this letter states that I am still responsible for taxes owed to the State of Indiana prior to filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or not?
I signed an agreement with another person that stated that I would pay him 000. We had the agreement notarized. After making a few payments, I lost my job and I can no longer afford to pay him. I am in the process of filing for bankruptcy. What are my options and what can happen to me for not paying the debt?
My brother recently passed without a will and left a car. I’m scheduled in Probate Court the 27 of this month, to switch the title to my name. I recently found out he has a judgement lein from 2005, reinstated in 2010. I’ve heard that there could be a possibility the car will be taken and sold. What are the odds of this happening?
Can my son file Bankruptcy on fines that are in collections?
A law firm attached his fees to my checking account. At the time my balance was .22, currently my Available Balance is over -,000 with a Running Balance of (8.00). What exactly does this mean? The amount debited on Sept 25, 2008 was 00.00. Can he do this? I’m current unemployed looking for a job should I close down this account? When I find a job and deposit my checks will they take all of the money from my check? What can I do?
I recently hired an attorney to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy. I was told up front that the bankruptcy would not be final until all fees were paid. My attorney says that he won’t do anything until all fees are paid in full. I have paid him 00.00 of a 300 total. Is this reasonable normal practice?
I am being sued by John Deere for a tractor which I had paid 7,000 back 4 years ago. The indvidial whom I purchased it from never paid off the tractor and filed Bankruptcy. John Deere has filed a civil action against me for the tractor. I was unaware of any title on tractors and never research it to see if there was ever a lien on the tractor. Do I have any legal recourse in this matter? What do you see the court’s decision to be on this?
My brother and I both have our names on my grandfather’s home, but he has lifetime conservatorship. If I file bankruptcy, can my creditors do anything with that property? Also, if he passed away within a few months of filing bankruptcy, can the creditors do anything with my brother’s half of the inheritance?