Is There Anything I Can Do to Get My Stolen Dog Back from My Neighbors?
My neighbor stole our dog. The police won’t press charges. Is there anything we can do?
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My neighbor stole our dog. The police won’t press charges. Is there anything we can do?
If my dog was killed by a car when she was off a leash, does the driver have any responsibility? If my dog was killed by someone driving recklessly, does the driver have any responsibility?
My fiance hit an unleashed dog that darted into the street. His owner was outside but he was not on a leash.
My neighbor’s cats damaged the cover and the liner of my above-ground pool. They put a hole in the liner and fell in and scratched the liner trying to get out.
I was bit in the face and arm by a neighborhood dog that had escaped his own backyard – I checked his tag and even called the owner, as I went to get up I must have startled the dog because he struck at lightning speed! no growling, no warning other than he tilted his head and recoiled a bit.
I hope you can answer this right away because I have a court date coming up. I have a cat colony. I adopted a cat from animal control and he hated living in my house because he missed the outdoors. I put him in my colony. He wasn’t feeling well and I scheduled a vet appointment for 2 days out. This woman who was going to pay the bill said she got an appointment For that day. I put the cat in his carrier and drove the women to the new vet. I told them to tell the vet he’s my cat, get the diagnosis, and medicine. They didn’t. Instead they told the vet the cat should live indoors, etc. I tried to get the cat numerous times. Each time the vet made an excuse. Now I’m suing her in court. She now says she gave the cat to someone for adoption. The court attorney asked if it was for money. She said yes. Now I heard that if there is a person who adopted him from the vet they might not have to give him back to me. Is that correct? I want my cat back. He’s supposed to be adopted by my friend. We don’t even think she gave him up for adoption. We think she took him home to her house. She might have falsified papers for the court to show adoption.
My neighbor left his dog in my care over two years ago. I recently moved and took the dog with me. Now the neighbor wants her back. What are my rights?
My yard is fenced with entrance gates at the front and back of the property. I have found during recent weeks that a neighbor has been opening the front gate where the sidewalk is and entering my yard to allow her dog to use lawn and sometimes that side of the house as its personal toilet. Since my yard is gated and the neighbor is entering through a latched gate, can it be considered trespassing?
I asked my X-girlfriend to watch my dog for a few weeks and now she has refused to give him back, are there any laws pertaining to a situation like this? Perhaps animal theft or kidnapping of a animal?
For four days I did volunteer work for someone who owns over 100 exotic cats. I found the conditions deplorable and contacted an organization they belong to. Can these people sue me for describing the conditions of their place to the founder/president of the organization they belong to (an organization for cat breeders)?