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“Due to the freedom of information act, do I, or the rest of the general population have a right to all the names of all the IRS agents that enforce the tax laws against us poor morons or are they protected under some ambiguous bunch of crap to make sure we don’t harass them on a daily basis?
The way I see it, fair is fair, since they don’t have the guts to get a “REAL job” and they have our social security numbers, our addresses, our parents names, and who knows what other kinds of information about us but we are in La La land as to their identities. Just doesn’t seem really fair. I thought we could face our accusers who say we are denying them their guaranteed government pensions while the rest of us starve in our old age.
If this loop hole exists I would actually LOVE to know about it. Want to be famous? Persue this and you may. Wouldn’t it be grand that everyone was afraid to work for the IRS if their names were published on the Internet because of some hole in the law? Just a great thought but I’m sure they have this base covered.”There are nine exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and one of them is the exemption from providing “personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”
Question: There is no reasoning in your question, other than pure harassment of a person for the job they happen to do, to support a request of all the names of all of the agents who work for the IRS. That is exactly the kind of thing that the FOIA is not about, and exactly why they have such an exemption.