How Can I Get Something Back that I Gave to a Friend?

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“I had a friend and gave her an Ohio State football jersey to wear for day. When we left I told her keep it cause I would be back and all. She ended our friendship and will not return it. It is not worth a lot of money and that is not point, I collect jerseys and just want it back for my collection. She will not return it. I have sent messages and notices and even sent her a prepaid package to return it.

Can I do anything to obtain the jersey back legally? I know I gave it to her but as a friend and she ended the friendship. I just want the jersey back, no money, etc. I live in WV and she in Ohio, can I do anything?”

Question: Yes. You can buy yourself another jersey. There is nothing you can do about this, and even if there were, it would cost you a whole lot more than just buying another jersey. If they don’t make that style any more, try eBay.