Can I Use My Neighbor’s Sewer Line?

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I need to hook up to city sewer, but the hook up is in the neighbor’s yard. I would need to put an easement underground on their property. Are they allowed to tell me no? Do I have any rights here? I live in city limits and would think I have the right to hook up to city sewer. I can’t help where the hook up is. They knew the hook up was in their yard when they bought the house. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

As a general rule, you do not have the right to use someone else’s property unless they choose to give you permission. However, the city (or whoever is running the sewer system) may have the right to force a land owner to let someone else use their land for this purpose. We would therefore suggest asking them whether they can require your neighbor to let you run your line — or if not, then how they expect you to use the city sewer system.