Can I Record A Person Without His Consent Or Knowledge?
A person called her friend, left a voicemail message, then left her phone open and talked at a private meeting.
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A person called her friend, left a voicemail message, then left her phone open and talked at a private meeting.
Disclosure of parties pre-suit: Is there a legal principle, which obligates one party to provide relevant documentation, evidence, etc… requested by the other party before suit is filed? I’m not talking about discovery that happens after suit is filed.
In 1965 my parents gave my sister an acre of land from the family farm. In 1977 they made an notarized land agreement with my sister stating that this land was never to be considered a part of their estate in the event of their death nor could anyone take it from her plus the description of the land and location. My mother died before she could finish. My brother is building on the land that has been my sister’s for 40 years. I went to courthouse for a copy of the deed. There are page nos. missing in the deed and they can’t find them. I think they are the ones my brother did not sign at the lawyers office giving my sister her land. How do I stop my brother from taking my sister’s land and what can I do about the attorney who failed to do as my mother asked? What does it mean when they tell me at the courthouse there are these pages they cannot find? Does the lawyer hold the papers and how do we get my brother to sign as agreed?
In a civil suite what does it means when the defendent files a motion for leave to exceed the interregatory limit pursuant to civ r. 33a?