How Does One Collect on a Judgement?
How do I collect against a default judgment received in small claims court Danville, VA?
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How do I collect against a default judgment received in small claims court Danville, VA?
We and our adjacent neighbors are in a dispute over a 4 foot high concrete retaining wall that straddles both of our property lines. We’ve had large clay terra-cotta pots sitting on top of retaining wall with lattice in the pots to obscure the neighbors privacy fence, which is few feet back from the retaining wall. Recently (last week), they decided to start objecting to the clay pots (which are on their property, according to their survey). Would mediation/arbitration be a better, less expensive way to go?
Settling a class-action case I am one of the 4 lead plaintiffs. Lets say the case settles for 5 million. Do the original 4 people get compensated better than the mass off employees jumping on after its made public? How is it then figured? Do they get a higher % or just a flat payment for the extra time they put into it?
Arbitration and mediation, such as divorce mediation, are forms of ADR (alternative dispute resolution) designed to help people reach a settlement without going to court. Nearly any legal dispute can be arbitrated or mediated.