Can a Man Selling Fake Purses Be Arrested For Having Sex With a Minor in Exchange for a Purse?

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Hello, I have a story with some questions. So, I went to a hotel the other day with a friend where a man was selling a variety of items (from clothes and purses to pipes and synethetic drugs) from his own, personal room. I found this purse that I liked and the man ushered out my friend and left me alone in the room with the man. The man asked how old I was and I told him I was seventeen. He then offered me the purse in exchange for sex. I agreed because I really wanted it. The deed was done, my friend was welcomed back in. Then we left but I returned the next day because I found out the purse was a fake replica of a designer purse and I wanted something else. He tried to argue that it was legit then I asked for money. Instead he gives me a little baggie full of white powder which I believe is some sort of real or fake drug. Should I take it in to the police? Can I report him for soliciting a minor? Also, is it even legal for his business to be running? I’m also under North Dakota law, if it helps.

You may absolutely turn this man into the police. First, he is selling counterfeit items and presenting them as real. This is fraud and misrepresentation. But this is the lesser of his crimes. He both solicited a minor and committed statutory rape. Both of these are extremely serious offenses, and the police would be very interested to investigate this matter further. Although technically you exchanged sex for the bag, you are a minor and could not legally consent. You would be considered the victim in this case. It is highly unlikely that you would experience any legal repercussions, and you would likely be able to access a victim’s advocate who can help guide you through the next stages.